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Frequently asked questions

If you don't find the answer you're looking for, please don't hesitate to reach out, and we'll be happy to provide you with the information you need.

What is TT ELD?

Answer: Everything you need to manage your fleet - all in one place: Driver Safety, GPS Tracking, and ELD Compliance. The most user-friendly ELD device and application.

How can TT ELD help me?

Answer: Thanks to its multiple beneficial functions, TT ELD will help you minimize the risks, keep your activities compliant with laws, reduce fuel wastage, optimize transportation activities, diagnose your vehicles’ conditions, improve safety and security, and reduce extra costs.

What are the advantages of TT ELD?

Answer: TT ELD has a durable device and easy-to-use application with plenty of beneficial functions.

How does TT ELD work?

Answer: An electronic logging device (ELD) connected to the vehicle collects data directly from the CMV’s engine. The data may include the status of engine power (on/off), the speed, how long the engine has been operating, how many miles have been covered, and other additional data. Then, this data is sent to the TT ELD application that demonstrates this information and enables drivers or loggers to enter some supplementary information.

Which devices are suitable for TT ELD software?

Answer: Electronic logging devices like PT30 ELD and IOSiX ELD are the ones that can be connected to TT ELD software.

Why should I buy TT ELD?

Answer: You can pick up your order from our office in 799 N Court Street, Suite 7 Medina OH 44256, USA.